Our ON DEMAND courses give you access to recorded instruction from working industry professionals – learn what you need at your own pace! Our instructors all have proven track records for excellence and great interest and aptitude for teaching. Once purchased, you can access all the lessons whenever you log in to the site!

On Sale
Comics Writing: Story Foundations & Development
Instructors: Andy Schmidt and Paul Allor
Your story starts here! Learn how to methodically build a story from the ground up, narrative structure, character building, and much more.

On Sale
Comics Writing: Writing for a Visual Medium
Instructors: Andy Schmidt and Paul Allor
In the Foundations course, you learned how to build a story. In this course, you’ll learn how to develop any story for a visual medium. What is it about comics specifically, that’s going to effect how you tell your story? How do you script so that your artist will get the most out of your script–or just as importantly, that you don’t tie one of your artist’s drawing hands behind their back.

On Sale
Comics Writing: Finishing a Script and Next Steps
Instructors: Andy Schmidt and Paul Allor
The most overlooked part of creative writing education is rewriting and what to do after your finished! Here, we’ve dedicated a course to reviewing your work, how to attack a rewrite to make sure that your work improves. Doing so without destroying the good work you’ve already done, and using a scalpel instead of a sledgehammer.

On Sale
Introduction to Comic Book Writing Bundle
Instructors: Andy Schmidt and Paul Allor
If you’ve ever dreamt of writing your own comic or wanted to improve your existing skills – this class bundle is for you.

On Sale
Comics Writing: Story Arcs & Ongoing Series
Instructor: Fred Van Lente
Acclaimed comics writer Fred Van Lente takes you through the necessary steps to craft compelling story arcs and ongoing comic book narratives exactly like professional comic book writers do it.

On Sale
Introduction to Young Adult and Middle Grade Storytelling
Instructor: Sarah Davidson
Young Adult and Middle Grade graphic novels are not only a booming industry, but also a great way to introduce younger readers to comics and ignite a love of reading. Creating comics for teens and tweens comes with its own set of challenges and standards, and Sarah is here to share her knowledge of the market with you.

On Sale
Advanced YA and MG Graphic Novels: Pitching and Publishing
Instructor: Sarah Davidson
Young Adult and Middle Grade graphic novels are not only a booming industry, but also a great way to introduce younger readers to comics and ignite a love of reading. Creating comics for teens and tweens comes with its own set of challenges and standards, and Sarah is here to share her knowledge of the market with you.

On Sale
Complete YA and MG Course Bundle
Instructor: Sarah Davidson
This bundle contains all classes from the Introduction to YA and MG Storytelling course and the Advanced YA and MG Graphic Novel course, covering everything from writing for teens and tweens to creating a professional pitch and getting your story idea published.

Professional Best Practices: The Art of Being a Working Comic Creator
Instructor: Andy Schmidt
Breaking into comics is one thing–actually creating a career in comics where publishers, collaborators, and editors want to work with you again and again is something else entirely. Instructor Andy Schmidt is a comics writer, editor and publisher. In all those roles, he’s found common traits that every creator with a career has in spades. This course shines a light on “the Intangibles” of being a working professional and gives you a head start on building a long and successful career.

Coloring: Tools, Art Preparation and Flatting
Instructor: Chris Sotomayor
In our earliest coloring course, you’ll learn what tools are needed to color comics, how to use them for that purpose, what your art should look like and how to prep it for coloring.

Coloring: Color Theory and Application to Comics
Instructor: Chris Sotomayor
In this course, you’ll learn not just what color theory is, but how it applies to comics specifically. Comics are rarely just one illustration or image, they are comprised of multiple images on a page, that all have to have balance within themselves and with all the other images.

Coloring: Lighting & Rendering
Instructor: Chris Sotomayor
One of the most important aspects of comics coloring today is paying attention to and establishing light sources. That also means understanding how they affect the true color of objects and figures. Master color artist Chris Sotomayor has been rendering comics since the 1990s and was one of the pioneers in digital coloring. Now he’s going to teach you the best techniques in the book–a book that he wrote, by the way.

Coloring: Special Effects
Instructor: Chris Sotomayor
In this special micro-course, Chris Sotomayor teaches how to add on special effects to your colored pages. Special effects aren’t always necessary, but when you need one, or have the right place for one, they can really help a piece pop and sell the the page.

Introduction to Comic Book Coloring Bundle
Instructor: Chris Sotomayor
Learn how to color comics from a pro! This bundle contains a discounted price for the first three courses in our series to teach you how to color comics from the ground up! PLUS, you get the bonus course on Special Effects FOR FREE!

Comic Book Editing & Project Management
Instructor: Andy Schmidt
Find collaborators, manage budgets, timetables, bring the best out of your writers and artists, problem solve, and make a professional-level project!

Master Seminar with James Tynion IV: Team and Ensemble Writing
Instructor: James Tynion IV
James Tynion IV (Justice League, Detective Comics) is ready to divulge the secret tricks to writing dynamic, exciting team books!