EARLY BIRD SPECIAL on New Live Courses! Get 30% OFF Now

Advanced YA and MG Graphic Novels: Pitching and Publishing


In the introductory course, you learned about storytelling for teens and tweens, and how to structure a story and design characters for younger audiences. This advanced course will take a deep-dive into the YA and MG graphic novel publishing industry, and go through the process of actually getting a graphic novel published.

Learn the difference between Direct Market and Book Market publishing, what a Literary Agent is and how to find one, and get a step-by-step guide for exactly how to build a Pitch Packet to send out to editors and publishers to get your story acquired.

This course is the perfect guide to publishing practices in the YA and MG graphic novel industry, and will give you all the tools and instruction you need to being able to professional pitch your series and better understand the process of querying, pitching, and submitting your story.

Sarah Davidson bio image

Sarah Davidson is a comic book artist, colorist, and educator currently working on her MFA in Sequential Art at SCAD. She loves drawing Middle Grade and Young Adult comics featuring magic, superpowers, and teenagers saving the world. She’s been freelancing in the comic industry since she was in high school, with clients like Abrams Books, Macmillan Publishers, Webtoon, Wattpad, MadCave, and of course Comics Experience. Sarah’s original graphic novel, Jackson’s Wilder Adventures, is being released this summer through Papercutz. When she isn’t drawing comics, you can find her watching feel-good cooking competition shows with her too many pets.

Featured Work

Jackson's Wilder AdventuresI’m a total newbie, is that okay?

Of course that’s okay! We design our courses to start at start. If you need to have taken or learned something else first, we let you know that in our requirements tab. Our instructors, while very knowledgeable, are also very understanding and take the time to make sure you’ve got all the information you need! And if you ever run into a problem, you just let us know at info@comicsexperience.com and we’ll address it.

Do I need to know a whole lot about comics?

Absolutely not. 

Do I need to be a computer wiz for the class?

Nope. Not one bit. Any of the tech stuff you’ll need to know, you can learn and we cover.

What computer programs do I need for this course?

Any writing software should work just fine.

We recommend that you have taken Introduction to YA and MG Storytelling.

To enroll in a Comics Experience digital course, you will need:

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