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There’s more to our Community PRO than you know!

I won’t always do this, but we’ve been tinkering and building up our Comics Experience Community Pro program for the last several months and there are some really exciting additions, improvements, and features that I’m really stoked to be a part of! And now you’re going to learn about them, not because I’m trying to sell you something, but because they’re genuinely very cool.

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Here’s what we’ve got going on just in NOVEMBER!

Creator Live Studio Sessions – These operate live and online EVERY Monday through Thursday where a group of pros and our community Pro members get online, shut everything else out in their lives, and spend a dedicated 30 minutes on creative work. It’s a great way to carve out the space you need for the work you love, support each other, and get stuff done!

Make Comics Demo Night – November 6th, join me this month, but it will be different professionals in the future, for a one hour live demonstration of how we work. You get to watch and ask the occasional question as a real comics professional works on a real comics project and go along as they discuss their process and what they’re doing. Really fun and super informative. I’m stoked to present this month where I’m going to start with just an idea for a project, and take that hour to shape it into a story before your eyes!

Live Q&A – November 13th, Gamal Hennessy, comics business consultant and attorney, and my partner in Comics Experience, will take live questions on a range of comics business related topics–demystifying all aspects of the industry. It’s an “ask me anything” kind of an event!

PRO Lesson: Collaboration Agreements: Contract Negotiations – November 20th, Gamal is gives a lecture on how to approach and negotiate contracts between collaborators, covering best practices, setting goals, and real strategies to help you and your partners get to something fair, honest, and beneficial for all involved!

Happy Hour! – November 20th, we get together each month for a live and online happy hour, where we enjoy getting to know one another on a more personal level, vent sometimes, tell about fun accomplishments or any number of non-comics things. We’re just hanging out, folks, and it’s really fun!

Discord Server for Members – Along with those special (and monthly/weekly events) we will of course also be on our 24/7 Discord Server for Members where we talk about industry news and do analysis, answer questions on a wide range or industry related topics, boost each other up, and generally learn a ton while having fun. And that’s going on all the time!

PRO Lessons Recordings Archive – Our Pro members have access to more than 50 PRO Lessons on a vast range of topics. Soon, these will be well over 100 and probably close to 200 as we’re re-editing and upgrading all of our older lessons on “how to” topics like comics creation, creativity, time management, production, marketing and business strategy–lots and lots of art and writing lessons. You won’t find these anywhere else.

Office Hours are held once per week, where PRO members can schedule short one-on-one time with Gamal or myself to get that really specific attention they or their project needs. It’s like having your own personal mentor right there with you.

Site-Wide member discounts – PRO members get a site wide discount of 10% on anything listed for sale on the website.

If that sounds like a lot going on, that’s because it is! We’ve been building the Comics Experience Community PRO for about a year, testing different ideas and strategies with our members and refining them. It’s the strongest it’s ever been and we’ve got a lot more items to announce soon.

It truly is my most proud accomplishment to have helped build a safe, welcoming and inclusive community that provides a inspiration and education to people who want to and are making comics. This isn’t a sales pitch, it’s excitement.

If you’re so inclined to sign up, you can do so here. If you’re not, that’s totally cool, too. Maybe it’ll be right for you at another time.

And that’s my two staples’ worth….

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