Comics Experience Podcast
The Comics Experience Podcast provides ~15 minutes of advice per episode on all aspects of creating comics and breaking in to the industry. Join Comics Experience founder and former Marvel and IDW Editor Andy Schmidt and his co-host Gamal Hennessy as they discuss making comics!
Do you have a question about making comics you’d like to hear discussed on the podcast? Email us at info@comicsexperience.com.

#167 – Why Kickstarter for Your Comic
Fresh off her Comics Experience micro course, Heather Antos talks about WHY Kickstarter could be a fit for your comic, how to think about planning your campaign, and what to think about before you push “go.”

#166 – Tips on Hiring a Freelance Editor
Nicole Boose (Marvel, Millarworld, freelance) shares five tips for hiring a freelance editor for your comics project. Goals, roles and convos to get your project moving!

#165 – Scheduling Your Time
Jim Gibbons talks about scheduling for each step of the comics-making process, and really sitting down and doing the math. Working on creator-owned, work-for-hire, whatever your project, planning a schedule for/with your team is key to making deadlines.

#164 – Finding the Humanity in Superheroes
Heather Antos talks about finding the humanity in superheroes, including her experience at Marvel with Deadpool and Gwenpool. And a preview of Heather’s 11/09/19 Comics Experience micro course Kickstarting YOUR comics.

#163 – Setting Goals for Your Comics Project
What do you want? What are the steps do you need to get there? Are you willing to deal with the downsides? All this and more in setting your goals for a comics project.

#162 – Anthology Pitching
What goes into an anthology pitch? Jim Gibbons talks about how to make sure your story is suited to an anthology, if it’s a complete story and more, including his time editing the anthology series Dark Horse Presents.

#161 – Portfolios and Talent Scouting with Will Robson
Artist Will Robson (Typhoid Fever: X-Men, Spider-Man/Deadpool, Star Lord) talks about his portfolio goals over the years, getting hired by Marvel and working with editors like Heather Antos. Heather shares her tips for portfolios and talking to editors.

#160 – Parenting and Comics
Nicole Boose talks parenting and comic-ing. How kids affect our approach to making comics, principles for managing your time, defining and adjusting goals, and mixing working from home and childcare.

#159 – Don’t Let Social Media Get You Down
Why bother with social media if there’s so much negativity? When DO you read the comments? And why do we create in the first place? Heather Antos talks Social Media blackouts & blocklists, along with other tips & tricks to stay sane.

#158 – What Editors Need to Sell Your Book
Editors need few different things to get your book approved, including you having the basics of a good portfolio with examples of your work, finished work, a good pitch document… and more! Jim Gibbons (Dark Horse, Image) talks about what goes into it.