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Comic Art

250 Comics and Contracts with Gamal Hennessy

Gamal Hennessy of Creative Contract Consulting joins Andy and Joey to talk about making comics and contracts. Gamal talks about his legal career including his time at Marvel Comics, things to keep in mind as a creator with contracts including rights, royalties, and revenue. 

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249 NYCC, Common Pitfalls For Creators at Cons 

Andy and Joey talk about NYCC, how to approach editors at cons, how to sell and track your inventory at conventions, and more.

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248 When Good Ideas Aren’t That Well Executed

Andy and Joey talk about when ideas aren’t that well executed, including how and why can a “good idea” go “wrong,” and some ways to try and execute ideas well. 

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247 Indie Comics Sales

Andy talks about Lunar Distributor’s retailer summit, his recent trips to C2E2 and SDCC, and what he’s seen and heard around sales for indie comics and smaller publishers.

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243 George Perez and Neal Adams

Andy and Joey talk about George Perez, two comics creators who recently passed. Andy worked on projects that Perez and Adams worked on and shares his experiences, as well as creator rights, kindness to collaborators and readers, legacy, and more.

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241 Storytelling in Comics, TV, and Movies

Andy and Joey talk about comics being adapted into TV and movies, story arcs, “new number 1!” issues, and how storytellers need to keep in mind what medium they’re working in. Even if your comic gets optioned for TV and movies, the goal with your comic is to always make the best comic book you can make.

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240 Fred Van Lente and Steve Ellis SILENCERS: THE DEFINITIVE EDITION

Fred Van Lente and Steve Ellis join Andy to discuss their upcoming release SILENCERS: THE DEFINITIVE EDITION coming soon from CEX Publishing! But make no mistake, they’re doling out career advice for both artists and writers and discussing how the industry has changed over the years!

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238 Lettering Passes Workflow

Comics lettering is an important part of making comics, and writers + artists + editors can help set a letterer up for success with their passes before ever sending pages to a letterer. Workflow, design, and being aware of a letterer’s time FTW!

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#237 – Figure Drawing

One of the fundamentals of comic art is figure drawing. Andy and Joey talk about how figure drawing is a basic part of comics storytelling, and how learning the fundamentals meld with individual styles from cartoony to realistic.

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#236 – Resolutions for 2022, Planning and Goals

New year, new podcast episode talking about goals and planning for those goals. Andy and Joey talk about how their 2021s have impacted their priorities and planning for 2022, the role work-life-balance plays, and how they’re thinking about the new year.

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