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Portfolio Review: Color Art


Coloring has become such a major part of the art of comics, that its importance truly can’t be overstated. To have your color art reviewed, you may submit up to five pages of sequential art, colored by you. We will also need a copy of the line art (before you colored it) so that we can look at how you approached each page. Different styles are welcome, and coloring over different artists’ work is recommended. Please also include a note about your goals for the review or for your coloring career.

To submit your art for review, do the following:

  1. Select the range of pages you will be submitting
  2. Click “Add to Cart.”
  3. Go to your cart. Current Community Pro members receive a 10% discount.
  4. Proceed to checkout. Fill out all the billing information.
  5. Click “Place Order.”
  6. After purchase, you will be asked to fill out a form which will request:
    • The name of the artist.
    • The email address you would like the review sent to.
    • A link to the portfolio pages (ideally, a PDF).

Note, we recommend submitting no more than 10 pages for review. That is typically enough for one of our professional editors or artists to get a good sense of where you may want to concentrate for improvement.

Our style for review is an affirming and honest one. We’re not here to tear anyone down, but rather to honestly evaluate your work and give you helpful, and actionable critiques so that you know what to work on to improve your pages going forward. We are polite and professional and only want to see you succeed.

Most reviews are handled by Andy Schmidt, a former Marvel Comics and IDW Publishing Editor and Senior Editor, a comics writer, educator and publisher. He’s worked on small independent comics as well as blockbuster best-sellers.

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