Comic Art

Publishing and Distribution

If you’re wondering how to get your comic or book published and distributed, you’re not alone! And we’re here to help. We can help you either through our Mentoring services to offer advice and help you get on your way to finding your own publisher, or in some cases, we can use the resources available to us through our sister company called CEX Publishing. CEX is a full publishing company with exclusive distribution deals with multiple industry distributors and book store distribution as well. CEX’s comics and books can be found in shops the world over. 

No publisher is a one-size fits all, and any potential spots with CEX are very limited, but if you’ve got the right project, that CEX feels fits with its strengths and there’s room in the schedule, then CEX may be able to help your book reach its full potential.

Please note that spots are VERY LIMITED with CEX, so this is by no means a guaranteed way to bring your book or comic to market.

*Full disclosure: CEX has an independent review board that CE does not have any control over. Any project submitted to CEX will be evaluated by the review board, and must clear several bars associated with being chosen for publication through CEX.

**No project developed with CE is under any obligation to be submitted to CEX, that is purely optional. Likewise, CE and CEX are under no obligation to publish or distribute material developed in conjunction with Comics Experience.

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