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Comic Art


More Young Adult Courses? WHY???


Great question! It’s because Young Adult and Middle Grade comics and graphic novels is the fastest growing segment of the comic book market! More books in these two categories are getting read and making new fans than in any other segment, and it’s not even close! That’s why we’re offering a brand new course on Young Adult and Middle Grade comics and graphic novels: Advanced YA and MG Graphic Novels: Pitching and Publishing is here! And you can get it this week for 30% off (or bundle it with the Intro course–also for 30% off together). If you’re a comic creator and you’re not paying attention to these demographics, then you’re not looking at the industry as a whole–and I’m not saying that you have to, but I hear a lot of people talking about the death of comics, but it’s just not true. Comics are growing–they may just not be the comics that you grew up with.  When I was a kid, comics meant “super hero comics.” But nowadays, super heroes are dwarfed by middle grade, YA, manga, and webcomics. They may just be the smallest segment as opposed to the juggernaut they once were. If you’re a super hero fan, please don’t get upset by this. A new reader for manga or YA doesn’t mean a lost reader for super heroes. All of this has been additive to the comics market over the last thirty years.  And while, from a storytelling standpoint, the foundational elements are basically the same, the execution and style […]

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