In this episode, Andy Schmidt talks about how to learn to be a comic book colorist, how to develop relationships with editors, and how to have a professional career with veteran colorist Chris Sotomayor! Soto’s live and on-demand coloring courses are available on the Comics Experience site.

Comics Experience Podcast
The Comics Experience Podcast provides ~15 minutes of advice per episode on all aspects of creating comics and breaking in to the industry. Join Comics Experience founder and former Marvel and IDW Editor Andy Schmidt and his co-host Gamal Hennessy as they discuss making comics!
Do you have a question about making comics you’d like to hear discussed on the podcast? Email us at

#237 – Figure Drawing
One of the fundamentals of comic art is figure drawing. Andy and Joey talk about how figure drawing is a basic part of comics storytelling, and how learning the fundamentals meld with individual styles from cartoony to realistic.

#207 – Comic Project Kill Fees and Changing Plans with Gamal Hennessy
Gamal Hennessy joins Joey to answer a listener question about project kill fees including suggestions on how to structure delivery and payments for scripts and art, and talks about his book The Business of Independent Comics Book Publishing currently on Kickstarter and what readers can expect from the book and how his own launch plans had to change.

#205 – Path to Publication with Milton Lawson
Milton Lawson joins Joey to talk about publishing his first comic Thompson Heller: Detective Interstellar, and his path to publication. Milton talks about how his comic changed over time with feedback and conversations about story and character.

#203 – Digital Marketing and the Business of Indie Comics Publishing with Gamal Hennessy
Gamal Hennessy talks with Joey about digital marketing for your comic, including planning and goals and his upcoming free webinar, as well as the tools GlobalComix offers creators for publishing and monetizing their comics, and talks about his upcoming book The Business of Independent Comic Book Publishing and how creators need to tailor their business and marketing strategies to the comic THEY want to make.

#202 – Ways to Check on Our Peers and Keep Everyone Safe
Heather Antos (Valiant, Image, Marvel) talks with Joey about abusive and inappropriate behavior in comics. Heather shares suggestions on how to check on our creative peers and keep everyone safe, signals to look for, things you can ask in person and over text, and other actionable ways to check on people.

Remembering Denny O’Neil
Andy talks about his experiences with writer and editor Denny O’Neil, and the impact Denny had on his career in comics and personal life. Andy talks about meeting Denny as a student, Denny’s advice on working , and the best advice he ever got about working in comics.

#199 – Differences in Writing Creator-Owned and Work-For-Hire Comics with Andy Schmidt and Paul Allor
Andy Schmidt and Paul Allor talk about writing both creator-owned and work-for-hire comics, the similarities between the two, and the differences. Andy shares his perspective from the editorial side of publishing and what companies look for when hiring new talent.

#198 – Heather Antos on Creating Comics During the Coronavirus
Heather Antos (newly promoted senior editor at Valiant, Marvel, Image) and Joey talk about creating comics during coronavirus and the anxiety people (everyone?) may have. They talk about giving yourself a break, general mental health tips, and how it’s okay to just sit and read.

#197 – Promoting Your Comic on Podcasts with Frank Gogol
Frank Gogol (GRIEF, DEAD END KIDS) talks with Joey about being a podcast guest, the benefits of having some time to talk about you and your comic, and what he’s learned promoting his own work in the past and how he’s planning to promote his new comic NO HEROINE.