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Comic Art
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Episode #98 – Nicole Boose on Tips for Becoming an Editor

Nicole Boose (Millarworld, Marvel Comics) gives tips for people starting out editing (and working with editors).

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Episode #97 – Working in U.S. Comics While Living Abroad

Is it possible to make a career in comics living abroad? Andy and Joey discuss how non-U.S. based creators do work for U.S. comics.

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Episode #96 – Writers Standing Out and Making Money at Cons

Vito Delsante @incogvito asks how writers can stand out and conventions and actually make money and sell books.

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Episode #95 – Bad Reviews

Andy and Joey talk about bad reviews, including what a reviewer may really be addressing, looking for constructive criticism, and learning from your mistakes.

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Episode #94 – Co-Writing Comics

Co-writing comics including what to think about before you start writing, as well as workflow and Rocket Raccoons.

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Episode #93 – Homages, Influences

Acknowledging homages in art, and discussing your comic (and non-comic) making influences.

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Episode #92 – In Store Signings

Andy talks about his recent in-store signing, and how to make the most of promoting the store hosting you and your own work.

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Episode #91 – Ryan Browne Kickstarts Your Comic

Ryan Browne (God Hates Astronauts, Blast Furnace) kickstarts your fans, your financing, and your career. Ryan is doing a one-day seminar with Comics Experience May 9th. Details at comicsexperience.com.

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Episode #90 – Team Workflow

Basic workflow and team management for creators.

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Episode #89 – How to Spend Your Time at a Convention

How to spend time at a convention – planning the con, going to the con, and after the con.

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