Comics Experience Podcast
The Comics Experience Podcast provides ~15 minutes of advice per episode on all aspects of creating comics and breaking in to the industry. Join Comics Experience founder and former Marvel and IDW Editor Andy Schmidt and his co-host Gamal Hennessy as they discuss making comics!
Do you have a question about making comics you’d like to hear discussed on the podcast? Email us at info@comicsexperience.com.

Episode #127 – Passion Versus Commercial Appeal
Thoughts on creating comics you’re passionate about versus creating something with “commercial appeal.”

Episode #126 – Planning Your Make Comics Year
Planning your make comics year: what are your goals, and how are you going to achieve them?

Episode #125 – Writing Panel Descriptions
Andy teaches writing panel descriptions first, then dialog. In this episode, Andy and Joey talk about how visuals first impacts storytelling.

Episode #124 – Writing Wordless Comics
Thoughts on writing a wordless comic script, including looking at a classic issue for personal and professional inspiration.

Episode #123 – Setting up a Website for Your Comics
Andy and Joey talk about the different ways of setting up and thinking about goals for your website for making comics. Are you trying to sell your comics? Build an audience? Showcase your portfolio for work for hire?

Episode #122 – Breaking the Fourth Wall
Hey you, you reading this… You want to hear some talk about breaking the fourth wall in comics? With some examples, some talk about commentary, and way too much Manilow. If that’s possible. That’s what we do this episode.

Episode #121 – Comics on the Side (Jobs)
Making comics while making money – Andy and Joey talk about a couple different schools of thought on “side jobs” while making comics.

Episode #120 – Working for the Big Two
Andy and Joey discuss the goal of working for DC and Marvel, different paths people take, and fan fiction.

Episode #119 – Translating Your Current Skill Set Into Comics
Translating your current skill set into making comics: ways you can start to make comics wherever you are in your career.

Episode #118 – Writing Short Stories with Paul Allor
Writer Paul Allor joins Joey to talk about short story writing, including expanding the world of his mini series Past the Last Mountain.