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#200 – Making Comics with Comics Experience

On the 200th episode of Make Comics hear comics-making tips from Comics Experience faculty and staff as they share their make comics tips!

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#199 – Differences in Writing Creator-Owned and Work-For-Hire Comics with Andy Schmidt and Paul Allor

Andy Schmidt and Paul Allor talk about writing both creator-owned and work-for-hire comics, the similarities between the two, and the differences. Andy shares his perspective from the editorial side of publishing and what companies look for when hiring new talent.

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#198 – Heather Antos on Creating Comics During the Coronavirus

Heather Antos (newly promoted senior editor at Valiant, Marvel, Image) and Joey talk about creating comics during coronavirus and the anxiety people (everyone?) may have. They talk about giving yourself a break, general mental health tips, and how it’s okay to just sit and read.

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#197 – Promoting Your Comic on Podcasts with Frank Gogol

Frank Gogol (GRIEF, DEAD END KIDS) talks with Joey about being a podcast guest, the benefits of having some time to talk about you and your comic, and what he’s learned promoting his own work in the past and how he’s planning to promote his new comic NO HEROINE.

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#196 – Retailer Relief Program

Andy talks about the Retailer Relief Program, a way for comics readers to help their comics shops while getting videos, audio files, PDFs, and more, featuring creators and educators discussing the craft and life of comics.

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#195 – Convention Cancellations and Creator Impact with Phillip Sevy

Artist and writer Phillip Sevy joins Andy and Joey to talk about the cancellation of ECCC and other cons, how no current conventions is impacting artists, retailer impact, and more.

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#194 – Getting and Using Feedback with Michael Roslen

Getting feedback from friends, peers, and editors can be essential to any comic creation, helping with rewrites, plots and story clarifications, art changes, and more. Writer Michael Roslen (REMNANT) shares his experience getting and using feedback.

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#192 – Creative Services with Andy Schmidt and Anne Randulic

Andy Schmidt and Anne Randulic talk with Joey about Comics Experience Creative Services, where CE works with people to manage and build out a creative team and the comics-making process. Anne talks about the experience, and Andy talks about the CE process.

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#191 – Having Your Work Critiqued with Molly Lazer

Writer and editor Molly Lazer (Marvel Comics) talks with Joey about the importance of having your work critiqued, giving constructive actionable criticism, and reading drafts after notes.

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#190 – Storytelling

Andy joins Joey to talk about storytelling comics, how perspective and trends change for storytellers over time, and how storytelling basics stay the same, and how it all ties into the CE intro art, writing, and coloring classes.

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