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Comic Art

Comic Book Coloring with Chris Sotomayor

In this episode, Andy Schmidt talks about how to learn to be a comic book colorist, how to develop relationships with editors, and how to have a professional career with veteran colorist Chris Sotomayor! Soto’s live and on-demand coloring courses are available on the Comics Experience site.

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240 Fred Van Lente and Steve Ellis SILENCERS: THE DEFINITIVE EDITION

Fred Van Lente and Steve Ellis join Andy to discuss their upcoming release SILENCERS: THE DEFINITIVE EDITION coming soon from CEX Publishing! But make no mistake, they’re doling out career advice for both artists and writers and discussing how the industry has changed over the years!

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238 Lettering Passes Workflow

Comics lettering is an important part of making comics, and writers + artists + editors can help set a letterer up for success with their passes before ever sending pages to a letterer. Workflow, design, and being aware of a letterer’s time FTW!

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#237 – Figure Drawing

One of the fundamentals of comic art is figure drawing. Andy and Joey talk about how figure drawing is a basic part of comics storytelling, and how learning the fundamentals meld with individual styles from cartoony to realistic.

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#236 – Resolutions for 2022, Planning and Goals

New year, new podcast episode talking about goals and planning for those goals. Andy and Joey talk about how their 2021s have impacted their priorities and planning for 2022, the role work-life-balance plays, and how they’re thinking about the new year.

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#235 – 2021 in Review

2021 was another year of changes in comics and making comics. Andy talks about publishing, printing, shipping, and more.

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#234 – Writing Comics Basics

Andy and Joey talk about writing comics basics, why people start writing comics, telling a complete story in a few pages, how to think about working with artists, learning about the comics industry and more.

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#233 – Visual Storytelling Basics

Andy and Joey talk about some of the fundamentals of visual storytelling, the benefits of all creators learning as much as they can about visual storytelling, and talking to your collaborators about intent before you get started on your comics.

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#232 – Comics Coloring Basics

Andy and Joey and talk comics coloring basics. Ways to approach the page, coloring notes, creative team planning with your creative team during the planning stages, and more!

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#231 – Budgeting and Payments with Crowdfunded Comics

Andy and Joey talk about crowdfunded comics planning including budgeting, compensation for collaborators and professionals, “long-term money-making,” if one-person/a publisher is financing the project and more!

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