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Comic Art

Community Pro Lesson: What is a One-Shot

Community Pro LessonAn extremely powerful tool for both artists and writers is the one-shot comic. Andy goes over exactly what a one-shot is, what roles they have withing the comics industry and specifically why you may want to create one or more as an emerging writer or artist. A great one-shot can become a powerful engine for your comics career, both writing for companies or building your own self-publisher brand!

Join Andy for a discussion and let’s turbo-boost your career!


What is the format?

15 to 20 minute presentation by the host
Live Q&A following for 20 minutes

How many questions does the presenter take?

As many as they can!

Is there a recording we can access later?

Community Pro members will have access to a recording of the presentation portion about 48 hours after the event is held live. Recordings are for members only at this time.

Who is Andy Schmidt and why is he qualified to talk about this?

Andy is a comics editor, publisher, writer, and printer. He’s worked in and excelled at almost every aspect of comics creative, production, and publishing. He’s worked for the largest of companies (Marvel) to the smallest including multiple start-ups, so his range of knowledge and unique obstacles on different scales is vast.

As a fellow creator, he’s written for comics, video games, TV and animation, and consulted on various multi-media projects. But he’s also done his own small creator-owned projects on micro-budgets. He gets it.

Andy is also an educator who has done well in comics and loves being able to give those coming up today a leg-up that he never had.

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Episode 252: Comics Connection 2022 End of the Year Wrap Up

In the last episode of 2022, Andy and Gamal discuss the rise and fall of companies like Mad Cave and AfterShock, the increased competition in comics distribution, the spike in library censorship, and the continuing impact of AI on comics. They also have a special moment of silence at the end of the episode for all the great comic creators we lost.

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Episode 251: How Does Artificial Intelligence Impact the Comic Book Industry?

In our first Comics Connection Podcast, Andy and Gamal discuss the moral, legal, and financial implications of emerging AI technology and what comic creators need to consider to navigate their careers in this evolving world. If you’d like to join Comics Connection, visit us at https://comicsconnection.net/

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250 Comics and Contracts with Gamal Hennessy

Gamal Hennessy of Creative Contract Consulting joins Andy and Joey to talk about making comics and contracts. Gamal talks about his legal career including his time at Marvel Comics, things to keep in mind as a creator with contracts including rights, royalties, and revenue. 

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249 NYCC, Common Pitfalls For Creators at Cons 

Andy and Joey talk about NYCC, how to approach editors at cons, how to sell and track your inventory at conventions, and more.

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248 When Good Ideas Aren’t That Well Executed

Andy and Joey talk about when ideas aren’t that well executed, including how and why can a “good idea” go “wrong,” and some ways to try and execute ideas well. 

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247 Indie Comics Sales

Andy talks about Lunar Distributor’s retailer summit, his recent trips to C2E2 and SDCC, and what he’s seen and heard around sales for indie comics and smaller publishers.

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246 What Creators and Publishers Should Expect From Each Other

Andy talks about what publishers and creators should expect from each other. Outreach to retailers, promoting to readers and media, what are the creators responsibilities, what are the publisher responsibilities and more.

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245 SDCC and Conventions

Andy talks about his plans for San Diego Comic Con including running panels, in-person meetings and conversations, and being Covid cautious as a creator going to conventions.

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241 Storytelling in Comics, TV, and Movies

Andy and Joey talk about comics being adapted into TV and movies, story arcs, “new number 1!” issues, and how storytellers need to keep in mind what medium they’re working in. Even if your comic gets optioned for TV and movies, the goal with your comic is to always make the best comic book you can make.

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