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Graphic Novel or Collected Edition Design

You bring all the final files for art and lettering, and we’ll get your book ready for print, including title and credits pages, cover and back cover set ups, so that you get a file ready to go to print!

Pricing may vary depending on specific needs, but starting rates are:

Front Cover Set Up


Front Cover Set Up (logo provided by client) – includes logo placement, Issue #, Price, creator credits (if you want all of those)

Full Credits Page


Full Credits Page – Credits, indicia (legal info), story titles/table of contents in this case, artwork designed in.

“Filler” design page


any additional “filler” pages needed to complete the book. This would include us putting a pin-up in if you’ve got art, or designing our own pages.

Design Page


Each Page of more complicated extras like behind the scenes and text pages with content provided.

CE or CEX ad page


place a CEX ad instead of a designed page

Creative Services – Request a Quote

Please fill out the form below to request a quote for a Comics Experience Creative Service. You may use this form to request any Creative Service.

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