Turn your page-by-page outline into a partial script — with only panel descriptions—no dialogue, SFX, captions, thought balloons.
A homework example is included under the Materials tab.
Tips and Guidelines (lots of them on this assignment!)
- Each page can have a maximum of five panels.
- Your panel descriptions will be clearly labeled and contain the most simple and concise form of the information that artist NEEDS to properly illustrate your story.
- One action per panel.
- First sentence needs to be the primary ACTION of the panel. Anything after the first sentence is “optional” to be included in the panel.
- Only describe how something looks when you are establishing it.
- Focus on what you want the panel to ACCOMPLISH/how you want it to FEEL, rather than giving very specific detail.
- Do NOT paraphrase dialogue in your panel descriptions! This is the most common mistake people make in this assignment. Your panel action should not say, “President Ninja explains his evil plan,” or “The Big Burger wonders aloud why the Pickles are out to get her.” If your script had dialogue, then your panel actions would NOT include or reference that dialogue, and this assignment should be no different.
- Do not over-write your panel descriptions. Look at the example, as well as the GI Joe script and others provided in class. Notice that they rarely dictate camera angles, body language, or distance of the camera to the subject matter. They leave the staging to the artist, as you should. There are exceptions when something specific is needed, but as a general rule, you need to allow your artist to tell the story and contribute equally to the final product.
- When finished, read it over from start to finish. This is a visual medium so you should be able to discern the essential elements and thrust of the story from the descriptions you’ve provided. If not, you need to go back and find a way to visualize your story further. The purpose of this assignment is to make sure your visuals are carrying the story, even without dialogue.
- Use the comic scripts provided in class as formatting guides.
You may submit your assignment as a Word-compatible document via the form below. Please name your file using the format: Homework 5 – Your Name – Story Title
For example: Homework 5 – Paul Allor – President Ninja