NOTE: All of your homework for this course is building toward writing a complete script for a five-page comic.
This comic must feature only original characters created by you, and must not be part of a larger project. If you have an idea for a sixty-issue epic – or a twenty-page mini-epic – that’s great! But your story for these classes should be designed for a complete five-page comic, with no intention of using these characters again.
Students often ask, “can I simply use those characters in an original five-page story, to serve as a prelude to my larger work, or a stand-alone story in the same universe.” And the answer is no. This may sound harsh, but we have found that when people take this approach – even with the best of intentions – the world-building and character work of that larger story impacts the five-page story, creating obstacles for the development and revision process that this class requires. So, to make sure you get the most out of this course, we ask you to create an original, stand-alone five-page comic!
And now, on to the homework:
Create a STORY SENTENCE for a five page comic.
Your story sentence should be structured like:
CHARACTER is taking ACTION to achieve GOAL.
A homework example is included under the Materials tab.
Tips and Guidelines:
You may submit your assignment as a Word-compatible document via the form below. Please name your file using the format: Homework 1 – Your Name – Story Title
For example: Homework 1 – Paul Allor – President Ninja